NiTO offers multiple methods for monitoring custom metrics. Developers, please see our RESTful API documentation for how to implement your own custom checks.


The NiTO RESTful API is accessed by posting JSON data over HTTPS to a listening agent-api service running on a machine within your network. For each collection of API metrics that you need to monitor, you create a new RESTful API device in NiTO. A unique API key is generated for each API device and is associated with a single agent as a “peer”. Any metric you post via the RESTful API can be alerted on based on status codes or value thresholds, and can be aggregated in Customized Dashboards.

NRPE / Nagios Support

Multiple NRPE / Nagios extension checks can be added to an agent. Metrics from these checks are contained within individual widgets on the agent’s main view and always overflow into the agent’s toolbar, represented as a puzzle icon. The NiTO agent performs the same role as a Nagios plugin, but querying an NRPE client such as NSClient++. In affect, NiTO supports any module that Nagios does, including output codes, short output text, long output and performance data. Alarms are available for generating alerts based on the result code or based on performance values. These metrics are not currently supported in Customized Dashboards.