Toronto, Ontario
M5H 3C6, Canada
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NiTO is an all-in-one infrastructure monitoring solution that allows you to find – and solve – issues before they become issues. From Windows & Linux OS monitoring to uptime monitoring, SNMP and much more...
Verify that your site is up and running. Check for availability, performance and function and ensure users experience the site as intended.
Never lose visitors to your site(s) because of expired SSL certificates. With NiTO you'll be notified automatically, weeks in advance of expiration, so you have time to renew.
NiTO ensures that visitors from locations around the world can view the website(s) you're monitoring. You can also verify incidents from multiple global locations to prevent false-positives.
A simple way to ping websites, servers, and devices to discover and ensure their availability, round trip time and time taken to live.
NiTO's always on traceroutes show you the route over the network and identifies the intermediate routers and connection passes. This allows you to determine why website response time is poor from different geographical locations. It also helps you to know the exact problem in connectivity and the number of hops it takes to reach the destination.
The most basic form of monitoring, it differs from ICMP/Ping in that ICMP just checks that the system is alive but can't determine if specific services on the system are alive, like mail or http, etc. Simple TCP port monitoring can check those specific services from the outside to ensure that they're talking to the world.
With HTML string matching, users can define whether a certain segment of text should (or should not) appear on the page and alert accordingly (i.e., ensure that your webhost is actually serving the correct page at all times).
NiTO's quorum-based noise-reduction capability allows you to define a quorum out of multiple geo locations and define the number of geos that are down before receiving an alert.
We provide convenient options so you can schedule what you need to know on your own terms. Choose email, SMS or phone call notifications, and your team can do the same.
Don't allow problem areas to cause more stress than necessary: NiTO allows you to quickly acknowledge and mute alerts and notifications, and schedule downtime.
Determine what requires escalation and never miss an occurrence, or upgrade NiTO to have each incident go directly to each team member through the parameters you define.
NiTO paid accounts allow for as many profiles as you need, enabling users to set their own notification schedules and delivery options, and assign device access and configurations across your network.
Minimize the noise of redundant notifications with Parenting and Automatic Flapping Detection.
Provide more insight for every stakeholder in your organization with automatic health and performance reporting.